Is Your Private Information on the Dark Web?


Whether it’s drugs, human trafficking, theft of intellectual property or personally identifiable information (PII), or any other criminal activity you can think of, the Dark Web is the playground of todays cybercriminals. It is where any company, whose credentials have been compromised will find them openly for sale to the highest bidder. And that person plans to use them against you.

Worse still, you won’t even know your credentials are for sale on the Dark Web until it’s too late; you’ve been breached!


Employees use their work email to access other businesses all of the time; for work and for pleasure. These sites, like those below, are out of your control and may or may not have proper security measures to protect them; leaving your business vulnerable to a breach.

  • Email Services
  • HR & Payroll
  • Banking
  • CRM
  • Travel Sites
  • Social Media

Browser Security

Cache / Password Store / Updated etc / Installing Apps

Modern web browsers can act as powerful work tools, but they also hold information which may compromise an organizations security. Because malicious websites and other malware have the ability to harvest this information without you even knowing, only to find out after it has been sold on the Dark Web, it is important to understand why and how your preferred browser behaves the way it does. This way you can make informed choices about your browsers’ settings.


Tech Advisor’s Dark Web Monitoring can detect if your company’s credentials have been compromised, protecting you from the risks those websites pose in exposing them. Using our combination of human and artificial Dark Web intelligence, we continually monitor, mine and analyze the Dark Web for your company’s compromised or stolen employee and customer data.

Dark Web Monitoring

Deep Diver is our Dark Web breach mining engine. Deep Diver doesn’t sleep! It continually monitors the Dark Web for compromised credentials and PII. When a new breach is identified, it alerts us immediately. We spring into action and resolve the issue asap!

Deep Diver, is the most thorough and accurate breach mining engine; uncovering more unique breaches than any other Dark Web tool available today. That’s because we don’t search the Dark Web, we mine the entire community for accidental exposures, bad actors and hacktivists who traffic in breached data.


Stolen credentials (email addresses, usernames, passwords, and more) found on the Dark Web can indicate that your company or your employees may have been compromised, and you should take action right away. Cybercriminals buy stolen credentials and use them to infiltrate your company and steal your data.

Tech Advisor’s Dark Web monitoring uses patented threat intelligence to identify and expose your company’s stolen credentials, alerting you immediately when a breach has been detected and allowing your team to respond quickly to prevent an expensive data loss.


Monitoring the personal email addresses of executives and other senior leaders, along with system administrators is critical. They have access to systems, information and data that is sensitive and potentially devastating if it were to be exposed. Protecting their personal email credentials from compromise is critical.

Frequently people re-use credentials for personal and business use, allowing cybercriminals to gain access to company systems. Cybercriminals can also use them for social engineering, tricking vulnerable employees into giving them access.

Because this risk is so grave, along with every corporate email account, Tech Advisors includes monitoring of up to 5 personal email addresses.


The largest breaches come from 3rd-parties, vendors in your supply chain who provide invaluable goods and services to your business. What makes them invaluable also creates significant risk for your company.

Many vendors integrate with your network to be proactive for your benefit, and that same integration exposes your network. Adding Tech Advisor’s Domain Monitoring to your vendors security requirements reduces that risk and protects your organization.