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Managed IT Service starting at just $1,375


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Free HIPAA Compliancy Checklist Will Reveal To You In Plain English The 7 Critical Things You MUST Have In Place To Avoid Federal Penalties

One of the biggest threats to your practice these days is actually your HIPAA compliancy – or lack of it.

Federal HIPAA requirements are incredibly confusing, and the penalties for not being compliant can be debilitating.

Fill in the form to the right to get INSTANT ACCESS to a brand new HIPAA Compliancy Checklist for you to use to help you start to double check your compliancy.

This checklist is free for you to download with no obligation.
Take advantage of this checklist and act on this information today.

To receive your free HIPAA report with more information about the industry updates and best practices for IT, security, and compliance.

Fill In The Form Below To Get Instant Access To Your HIPAA Compliancy Checklist

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Incredible Consultants, True Partnership

Our business by nature has a heavy technical requirement that requires enhanced security and fairly heavy software. We have used several different IT and technical providers in 20 years, but, none that specialized in our industry, know the software we are running and what we should run, and the issues that go with threats to it.

Once we talked with the team at Tech Advisors, we didn’t call any others. We knew we had the right fit.

As a smaller firm, we are careful with our expenditures. There was an issue with software we were using, and we had been told by our previous provider that we would need to make some significant upgrades to our infrastructure to get through last tax season.

After assessing our infrastructure, Tech Advisors team assured us that, while the upgrade that had been recommended would be beneficial, it was not necessary immediately.

The counsel that they provided us enabled us to defer $25,000-$30,000 in expenditures for two years.

Alfred Adovasio Partner
Burke & Raphael, LLC
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